
Welcome to the Grazers Blog!

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

NEW G1 ready to use RABBIT, PIGEON & DEER

We have been making the concentrated G1 product for gardeners for 6+ years now and have been asked from time to time to do a ready to use version for people with small gardens, yards, pots etc.
What really triggered my decision was the number of customers who use Grazers on cut flowers and wreaths placed on cemetery plots or graves!  
I wasn't sure if it would work on cut flowers but by the number of calls we have had it certainly does but obviously to buy a bottle of concentrate which makes enough spray to treat 1000m2 plus all the hassle of mixing makes it not very practical .
So here you go an easy ready to use spray and remember totally safe for us and the environment while also benefitting the plant!                                                       

Grazers G1 effective against damage from RABBITS,PIGEON & DEER

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Four Oaks Nursery Trade Show

Sue working hard on our Grazers stand at Four Oaks Trade Show

Always a good show!

This is the start to the new season for us promoting existing and new products to growers and garden centres from across the UK

Last year we got an award in the Best New Retail Product category with G2 slug & snail.

This year we  took our new G1 rabbit, pigeon & deer in a ready to use bottle as a new introduction   (more on that next time).

Horticulture Trade shows have struggled over the last few years, becoming very fragmented and lacking direction and support from the industry. However Four Oaks is the exception and seems to go from strength to strength.

This year there were 474 exhibitors from UK and Europe (and even New Zealand!) covering nursery plant stock, garden centre sundries and service providers and we are kept very busy both days talking to existing customers and potential new ones.

The only down side for me is that it is not supported by more of the bigger multiple buyers. A great chance for them to connect with and see all aspects of the plants industry.

In my 30+ years in the nursery industry this is a show that still retains that friendly feel and a great chance to meet up with colleagues and new contacts - they even provide free pack up lunch and refreshments!

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Sunday Telegraph

"As for the slugs and snails, I am happy to say that they are disappearing fast, leaving my vulnerable French beans, dahlias, and tobacco plants to get on and grow. I have sprayed my plants with Grazers G2 formula (Grazers also make another very useful organic deterrent that stops rabbits, pigeons, deer and geese munching through your roses). G2 is a calcium chloride-based product that actually strengthens and stimulates the growth of the plant but makes it unattractive to slugs and snails. Crops can be eaten (by us) safely after application. Beer traps, slug pellets and the like attract pests towards them so you do pull in more pests, but with G2 the local population of slugs and snails go elsewhere to munch and in turn be munched by the birds. G2 is widely available as a concentrate (makes 10 litres) at £9.99."
by Bunny Guiness Garden writer and presenter

Friday, 16 May 2014

Filming at Grazers!

We have been told frequently that we should have a short film made for our web site etc
 showing the Grazers story, where we are and a beginners guide for effective application in the garden. I have been mulling this over in my head for sometime wondering how to start the ball rolling without becoming overwhelmed by technicalities and costs, when along comes Ben Woolner - He is studying Adventure Media at the University of Cumbria. 
          Ben emailed this winter, having seen our farm web site, asking if he can make a short film about us for his course. Unfortunately we were away on holiday and he was on a deadline to complete,  BUT... before he could escape I mentioned about doing a promotional piece for Grazers and he said "no problem". So he and his girlfriend Jessie Sumner (on the same course)  have been with us now for two fairly sunny days putting together 'the story'.  Our friend and work colleague Sue ( who has experience in filming) is going to add the voice over shortly.
          Fingers crossed in the next few weeks you will be able to view for yourselves whether all their hard work has paid off.
Meet the team Nicola, Dan, Jack, Red and Ben our film maker

Ben and Jessie shooting our how to use Grazers guide

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Peace of mind when spraying new growth in the garden

Spring is definitely here as are the pests!
If you are seeing damage occur on newly emerging seedlings or plants eg Hostas (see image below) whether its slug, snail, rabbit, pigeon or deer! it is safe and effective to spray new growth now with Grazers G1 - effective against rabbit, pigeon, deer damage or G2 slug & snail and right through the season while plants are growing and at risk. Remember Grazers benefits the plant and is safe for people, pets and planet.
Happy Easter


Note: seedlings grown first in the greenhouse should be fully hardened off before planting out  treating with G2 slug & snail ie. moved outside gradually over the week before finally planting out and spraying, this is partly due to a risk from scorch from the spray but also in case temperatures drop at night which can also scorch the plant.

Monday, 10 March 2014

'Spring itch'

Incredible how quickly the soil dries out with a little sun and a little wind! I am talking now about here at home in Cumbria  - I am aware some places have had a lot worse and are still under water..

I can feel the 'itch' that starts always at this time of year triggered by lengthening days and increased temperatures. I am talking of course about the 'gardening itch' and it's not just me - everywhere I go I hear the same thing "I am itching to get back in the garden!" and lets face it its been a long time since the last spring! It didn't happen last year did it? Remember the snow and frozen ground into May and beyond!

Slugs are in the news, not only the invading Spanish variety which continued to invade last year but also after the mild wet winter they are likely to continue to spread and cause havoc alongside the equally unwelcome 'common' native species.
Spanish slug
We have brought in some captive Spanish slugs (safely sealed in a plant propagator). We got them from an entomologist in Norfolk for a garden media show  we did in London last month.. So we set up a little trial - treated cabbage and untreated cabbage.  It took a little while for them to start eating.... Perhaps they were  'jet lagged' - they had come in the post the day before, also, early February is still sleep time for slugs, but the warmth of our office and lighting finally woke them up and we ended up with a reasonable trial result to display. i.e. treated plant was left uneaten
So the slugs are now back with us, resting after their long trip from Norwich to Cumbria to London then back to Cumbria, not to mention all the media attention they received at the show!
We will continue to use them for further trials but meanwhile they are living a relaxing life in Cumbria (safely enclosed! )

For further information on the Spanish slugs and how you can help,  please click on the following link

Thursday, 9 January 2014

NEW G2 Slug & Snail concentrate now on sale

Happy New Year to all our customers wherever in the world you are!

We have been very busy since our last blog despite the wet and wild weather we have had this winter:

- Our new  concentrated bottle of G2 slug & snail is now labelled, bottled and on sale. At the moment it is only available on line priced £9.99 for 350ml which dilutes to make 10 litres of ready to use spray - excellent value, we believe, for the larger garden or allotment.

- Trial work continues with some exciting results and more products are in the pipeline.

- While it is quiet in the gardens and farms here in UK over winter, in Australia and New Zealand it is just the opposite as their growing season is in full swing  and we are seeing a growing demand from farmers and gardeners 'down under' or should I say 'up over'.

Here's hoping 2014 gets off to a better start in the garden after last years big freeze.

Keep watching this space.
Thank you .