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Friday, 27 March 2015

Some practical advice from a gardener with roe deer

We have constant deer problems all year round.  I am taking out lilies because they love the new shoots on those, however, last year I sprayed regularly from early sign of shoots and my lily bed was saved and they flowered.  See before photo!

I am introducing deer repellent plants such as lavender, poppy and other aromatics, although I tend to spray everything in the flower borders except daffodil and tulip at the moment.  I have to spray roses, mallow, hollyhock, lupin, anemone, verbena and bergenia .  My veg are cordoned off!

*The strength is 30 ml to 5 litres as you instruct on your box. 

I do it about every 4-6 weeks, sooner if I see that damage has been caused.

I have had some success from using your product, but one has to be organised about remembering to keep up the spaying!

I tell anyone who has deer problems to get some.  I am going to spray my neighbours garden soon, so she can see if it makes a difference to her newly planted shrubs.

Roe deer in my garden before using Grazers
words and picture sent to us by a gardener in Somerset
* application rate and frequency can be increased very safely if required

Friday, 20 March 2015

Another testimonial for G1

           We were very pleased to hear from Leslie Mossam, a garden designer from Stafford,
who got a small pack of Grazers G1 (rabbits, pigeon & deer) at a show last year to try out, obviously in her business she is well aware of the difficulties and heartache of designing and creating gardens that have rabbits around. 
           As a trial she sprayed some annual Verbena in her garden which had already been grazed pretty badly and said that she didn't hold out much hope given the level of damage already done, however the rabbits immediately left them alone and moved on, the plants went on to thrive and flower (if a little late). Ms Mossam was delighted and phoned us to order more product for the coming season.
Verbena (undamaged!!)

Friday, 13 March 2015

Spring in Cumbria?

I took a break from the office for a couple of hours today to walk the dog after a very busy week at Grazers - It seems that spring has sprung in some parts of the country! 
As you can see spring hasn't arrived here in Cumbria yet!
This is a favourite spot near us - Howtown along the quiet side of Ullswater.

John Negus talk at Weyhill, Andover

"Had a great talk last night at Weyhill, Andover. My quiz resulted in a very happy lady going away with a Grazer spray gun for tackling cabbage white butterflies, caterpillars and aphids. Well done this company for innovating an environmentally safe organic control for keeping our garden pest free."
John Negus Garden Writer and speaker

Friday, 6 March 2015

John Negus' Gardening Club Prizewinners

After chatting to members of the Warfield Park, Bracknell, Berkshire gardening club and South Holmwood WI Dorking, I presented a quiz in which the winner was delighted to receive a trigger-spray container of Grazers new G2 Formula. Effective against damage from slugs and snails on hostas¸ delphiniums and other vulnerable plants, it should be applied weekly to keep the ‘night brigade’ at bay. I have nothing by the greatest admiration for this company for developing a range of safe and friendly remedies for keeping edible and ornamental plants free from marauders’
John Negus Garden Writer 
prize winner at Warfield Park Gardening Club

Prize winner at South Holmwood WI Dorking