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Tuesday 23 September 2014

NEW G1 ready to use RABBIT, PIGEON & DEER

We have been making the concentrated G1 product for gardeners for 6+ years now and have been asked from time to time to do a ready to use version for people with small gardens, yards, pots etc.
What really triggered my decision was the number of customers who use Grazers on cut flowers and wreaths placed on cemetery plots or graves!  
I wasn't sure if it would work on cut flowers but by the number of calls we have had it certainly does but obviously to buy a bottle of concentrate which makes enough spray to treat 1000m2 plus all the hassle of mixing makes it not very practical .
So here you go an easy ready to use spray and remember totally safe for us and the environment while also benefitting the plant!                                                       

Grazers G1 effective against damage from RABBITS,PIGEON & DEER